What is the Team Adventure?

  • Team Adventure is a time-limited event where the players can participate as a team. There are 3 steps and each step has its own rewards and compass goal. The team opens chests based on the total number of compasses collected by team members.
  • Compasses can be collected by beating levels.
  • The chest rewards are the same for each team member. Team members who contributed with at least one compass can claim their rewards individually.
  • Team members are ranked based on their compass contribution during the event. 
  • Every Team Adventure event is separate. Compasses cannot be transferred to the upcoming Team Adventure events.
  • Extra compasses can be collected from Hard, Super Hard, Kingdom, and Dark Kingdom levels.

How can I participate in Team Adventure?

  • You can participate in Team Adventure after reaching level 26.
  • You need to be a member of a team. No reward can be earned without contributing to the total amount of compasses a team collects.
  • You cannot contribute to any other team in an ongoing Team Adventure if you have already claimed one of the chests and changed your team afterward. Compasses collected for the previous team are not deleted from the total amount. 
  • You need an active internet connection to participate in Team Adventure.