What is the Electro Blitz?

  • The Electro Blitz is a time-limited event consisting of several steps. Each step has its own lightning bolt goal and reward. Lightning bolts can be collected by activating Electro Balls while playing a level. 
  • When the lightning bolt goal of a step is reached, a reward is earned, and can be proceeded to the next step.
  • The Ultimate Reward is earned when all steps in the event are completed.
  • Hard, Super Hard, Kingdom, and Dark Kingdom levels will grant extra lightning bolts.

How can I enter the Electro Blitz?

  • You can participate in Electro Blitz after reaching level 36.
  • You need to beat levels to collect lightning bolts.
  • If you lose or quit a level, the lightning bolts that are created during the level are not counted towards the Electro Blitz event.