What is Hidden Temple?

  • Hidden Temple is a time-limited event consisting of 5 steps. Each step has its own board and rewards.
  • By using pickaxes, you can dig the board and find gems. You can collect pickaxes by beating levels.
  • When you find all gems on the board of a step, you get to complete the gate of that step and claim your rewards, then move on to the next gate.
  • You win extra pickaxes from Hard and Super Hard levels.

How can I participate in Hidden Temple?

  • You need to reach Level 39 to participate in Hidden Temple. 
  • You can start collecting pickaxes by beating a level and digging the board with collected pickaxes.

Can I use pickaxes when Hidden Temple ends?

When Hidden Temple ends, you will have one last chance to use your pickaxes. If you quit Hidden Temple, you will lose your pickaxes.